The end of a marriage can be devastating to those who experience this type of loss. You are still loved and very welcome in our parish. We hope you continue to join us in worship and in parish life as you move from “what was” to “what is next”.
Saint Rose does not have a formal support group for separated and divorced individuals; however, the following area resources may be of interest:
Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Office for Separated and Divorced
The Office for Separated and Divorced has been helping Catholics who are experiencing separation or divorce for more than thirty years. Services include Short-term Counseling, Information and Referrals. Call 651-603-0251 for more information.
Growing Through Loss Support Series
Twin Cities’ North Suburban Grief Support Coalition has a six-week Spring and Fall “Growing Through Loss” series. The series provides an opportunity to obtain information and support for a variety of loss and grief issues including separation or divorce.
For more information call 763-755-5335 or click here: